Poet & Filmmaker Interviews & Appearances as well as Film Reviews for Ann Huang's Palpitations of Dust, Indelible Winter, The Pines of Spring, Sparse, In the Desert of Eternity, & Diamond Dust.

Poem "Love is a neon light" is the FINALIST in the POETRY category of the 6th Annual Adelaide Literary Magazine Award Contest 2024, it will be featured in the 2024 Poetry Award Anthology.

Sparse Exclusive Interview with Director Ann Huang at LONDON DIRECTOR AWARDS (June 20, 2024)

Diamond Dust Reviewed by Hollywood Gold Awards (June 2024) 

Five Poems by Ann Huang featured on LOTHLORIEN Poetry Journal (May 30, 2024)

Poems "Witchy and Wonderful," "All the Love," & "Love Evolution" featured on rougarous: journal of arts & literature (May 2024)

Poem "The Exit" featured on Dashboard Horus: A Bird's Eye View of the Universe (April 12, 2024)

Poem "Moon River" published in Encephalon Journal (Issue#2 2024)

Book Notions Q & A with Ann Huang: New Information on Upcoming Book Related News (2024)

Sparse Exclusive Interview with Ann Huang on WILD FILMMAKER

Vermont College of Fine Arts Alumni Spotlight Interview with Ann Huang About Her Poem Films based on her new collection A Shaft of Light (August 27, 2019)

Poetry Reading By Ann Huang (November 4, 2012)

This poetry reading by Ann Huang took place in 2012 at Laguna Art Museum in Laguna Beach, California after Love Rhythms, her first chapbook, was published.

During the book signing portion of the event, Huang says she felt notably nervous and elated at the same time. It was her first public reading, so she was anxious about reciting her work in front of an audience. However, with friends and family present for the poetry reading, Huang quickly overcame her nervousness.

About 50 people gathered at Laguna Art Museum on an autumn night. Abstract expressionistic paintings surrounded the small crowd—which is one of Huang's favorite art epochs/genres—while poetic vibes oozed out of her tongue, skin, and body with the help of a cup of whiskey.

Huang describes the poetry reading experience as blissful. "After many years of trying to fit in with the literary world, from novella to non-fiction, and finally poetry, I was suddenly given wings to fly. It was magical. My audience was awestruck by my reading, and I was awestruck by myself!" Huang explains that she is typically tongue-tied when speaking in front of groups of people, but not that night. She was thrilled to have landed in the poetry world at last: the world that gave to her and the world that she would continue to contribute to for as long as possible. 

During the poetry reading, Huang recited the following poems from Love Rhythms:

"Winter Sweet"

"Dream Work"

"The Sun"

"Macaroon Sweet"

"Water Lilies and Monet"


"Black Orchid"

"Listener's Technique" 

"Only If"

For more poems by Ann Huang, visit AnnHuangPoetry.com.


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